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SMART Board : Kelebihan ARVIA Smartboard ? Latest Model ARV-100

Smartboard or E-Board is the next generation of Interactive whiteboard (IWB) style where a projector is not required, designed with touch capability and integrated software.

The touch technology used could be a capacitive or IR touchscreen fitted from the factory. The touch screens allow for multi-drawing capabilities, enabling up to 20 touch points. Everyone can share and collaborate easily with simple to use a wireless solution. The screen sizes carry by Israk, varies from 55″, 65″, 75″, 86″ and 98″ from different popular brands. The weight could be quite heavy as the size gets bigger, but the capacitive model such as from Arvia Smartboard Series is slimmer than other brands. We do offer different designs of Smartboard TV Mobile Stand with wheel caster for mobility.

About Us
Israk Solutions Sdn. Bhd. is leading Professional Audio-Visual & ICT Solutions in Malaysia with over 10 years of continuous business and experience. Our solutions include Digital Signage, Kiosk, LED Display, Interactive Smartboard, Temperature Scanner, Touchscreen & Videowall Solutions.

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