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Samsung Flip WM55H 2018 [Must Buy]

An #interactive digital flipchart model WM55H designed for creative thinking, collaboration and innovation. The size is 55″ and have opition color White and Black. For more info, visit our site : https://www.israk.my/catalogs
Digital Signage is the new trend. These cutting edge communication networks allow you to create and deliver timely, targeted messages that inform, educate and motivate your audiences without your budget taking a painful hit. Talk to us to learn more.

We are MSC-Status company, powered By Israk Technology Sdn Bhd, we embrace this technology by providing latest trend, powerful IsrakSignage software and hardware such as digital signage player as well as complete services for your digital signage deployment. Our team of highly skilled professionals is able to introduce innovative ways for businesses to communicate with their intended audiences for a variety of purposes including informing, educating, entertaining and selling.

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