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Off-canvas Menu in Elementor PRO

Are you keen to know how easy it is to create the off-canvas menu with Elementor PRO?
It takes very little effort to switch from horizontal to vertical navigation that works on each and every device. Such navigation doesn’t need to deal with responsiveness and makes your site header clean. Instead of the classic horizontal navigation, there will be a button that triggers the appearance of the menu. You can also use your off-canvas “thing” as a sidebar and fill it up with all kinds of data; links to the social profiles, maybe an address, recent posts, google ads – whatever suits your needs. Either way, I hope you’ll find this tutorial useful.

Thumbnail credits:
Freepik: https://www.freepik.com/free-photos-vectors/background

***** To watch next: Horizontal to the off-canvas menu in Elementor PRO *****