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Free Interactive Whiteboard Software

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Free Interactive whiteboard Software for schools and universities

The utilization of interactive whiteboard software has become widely used for interactive learning. Schools and organizations are utilizing the innovation to enhance learning as well as encourage correspondence and move joint effort in small classes or large lecture halls. Intelligent whiteboards and Smartboard offer a scope of devices that make gatherings and introductions over a video conferencing simpler. They can present multi-media materials more creatively including writings, pictures, annotate and play sound and video, which make presentations more individual whiteboards are not limited to paper records, chalks and additionally cards. Key Interactive Whiteboard Software Feature : Easy to Install Simply download and start using it right away. No registration required. Open Source OpenBoard is released under the GPLv3 License and maintained by the community on GitHub. Universal Available on Windows, Mac and Linux so you can stay with what you like the most. Simple OpenBoard is easy to use yet powerful. It is a tool that can help you do your job and does not get in the way. K-12 to Academia Engage K-12 Student with interactive courses or give the perfect lecture at University. Handwriting Use a pen tablet, an interactive whiteboard or even a mouse to write and annotate your course. We are constantly working the improve the writing experience.

interactive whiteboard software

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